Got out to some green this past weekend as we went for a hike/walk in the forest. Was only about a 20 minute drive from our apartment. It felt very safe and comfortable. There were guards patrolling it and lots of families walking about. We spent a lot more time there then we expected since it was so nice. Walked through some caves and enjoyed a waterfall.

On Wednesday we went to the Nairobi Synagogue. The setting and building itself are amazing. It was built 100 years ago and the city has grown up right around it. The service was mostly in Hebrew but everyone is so welcoming. It's an awesome feeling to be part of a community that has held forth for so long in such a seemingly off the beaten track locale for Jews. (but maybe not, as my grandmother has a cousin who lived in Nairobi during the 40/50's) During Rosh Hashanah a couple weeks ago they invited me up to open the Ark - after I got over my initial hesitation/nervousness I deeply appreciated the honor.
As a final note, here is a map showing our footprint in Nairobi...
ok so that's what I get for reading the blog backwards ... here's those pics of the street and plus a super-cool map ... and hanging meat. you da man!